Chinese Song of the Week: Hakuna Matata!

Photo by Richard Riley

Photo by Richard Riley

I haven’t really postet any songs lately so this time I decided to look at the Chinese version of Hakuna Matata from The Lion King! I love Disney and its songs are legendary! Every child (and adult) knows it and loves it: Hakuna Matata. Of course, we all know it is Swahili for “There are no worries”. Ever since it appeared in the movie from 1994, this wonderful phrase has been around and the meaning and sound inspires lots of people. Some even get tattoos of the phrase.

I think a great way to learn a language is to watch movies in that language. And for beginners what better way could there be than watching a children’s movie you know?

The Chinese verion of the movie is called “狮子王” (Shīzi wáng)  and was released one year later than in Western countries.

Here are the complete lyrics for the Chinese version of Hakuna Matata:

真是很有意思 – zhēnshì hěn yǒu yìsi

简单又好记 – jiǎndān yòu hǎo jì

从现在开始- cóng xiànzài kāishǐ
你不必再担心 – nǐ bù bì zài dānxīn
不必像从前 – bù bì xiàng cóngqián
听天由命 – tīng tiān yóu mìng


当他是只小山猪 – dāng tā shì zhǐ xiǎoshān

当我是只小山猪(很好 谢啦)- zhū dāng wǒ shì zhǐ xiǎoshān zhū (hěn hǎo Xiè La)

看他好像魅力十足 – kàn tā hǎoxiàng mèilì shízú
风度翩翩 看来看去好象缺少一些东西- fēngdù piānpiān kànláikànqù hǎoxiàng quēshǎo yīxiē dōngxi

虽然我长得丑 可是很温柔 – suīrán wǒ cháng děi chǒu kěshì hěn wēnróu

我终于 发现我没办法出人头地 – wǒ zhōngyú fāxiàn wǒ méi bànfǎ chū réntóu dì

哎呀 真丢脸(太丢脸啦)- āiya zhēn diūliǎn (tài diūliǎn la)

我想过改名字(唔 什么名字呀)-  wǒ xiǎngguògǎimíng zì (wú shénme míngzi yā)

后来终于放弃(为什么呢)- hòulái zhōngyú fàngqì (wèishénme ne)

每一次我想 唔…… – měiyī cì wǒ xiǎng wú ……

(嘿 彭彭 不要再小孩面前……)-  (hei Péng Péng bùyào zài xiǎohái miànqián ……)

(噢 对不起)- (o duìbuqǐ)

真是很有意思 – zhēnshì hěn yǒu yìsi

简单容易记 – jiǎndān róngyìjì

从现在开始 – cóng xiànzài kāishǐ
没有烦恼忧虑(好 唱下去)- méiyǒu fánnǎo yōulǜ (hǎo chàngxiàqù )
不必像从前 – bù bì xiàng cóngqián
听天由命 – tīng tiān yóu mìng

4 thoughts on “Chinese Song of the Week: Hakuna Matata!

  1. I watch it so many times in my life I don’t need subtitles, I can watch it in ANY language and I still know every sentence 😀

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